
Korean Society of International Law

About the Korean Society of International Law (KSIL)

The Korean Society of International Law (KSIL) aims to promote academic exchange and cooperation among its members for the study, education, and policy-making of international law and related disciplines. Through these efforts, the society contributes to the establishment, maintenance, and development of international relations based on law and justice, as well as the advancement of international law studies in Korea.

Founded in 1953 during the Korean War, the KSIL is one of the oldest academic societies in Korea. Its establishment reflects the contemporary interest and mission regarding international law at the time. We have long understood that international law is a crucial discipline impacting the fate of entire nations. This understanding remains unchanged today. The importance of accumulating knowledge about international law and mastering the ability to articulate arguments based on international law in international relations cannot be overstated.

The roles and responsibilities demanded of the KSIL are significant. The society strives to not only contribute to solving international legal issues faced by Korea but also to establish and develop a more just international order.

Korean Journal of International Law

As a means to share the academic research achievements of its members, KSIL publishes the Korean Journal of International Law (국제법학회논총) quarterly. This journal, first published in February 1956, is the oldest law journal in Korea and has been recognized for its academic excellence by being listed in the Korean Citation Index (KCI) by the National Research Foundation of Korea.

For manuscript submissions, please contact the KSIL Secretariat at ksilpub@naver.com or visit ksil.jams.or.kr

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